
Contains all available geographical information about an IP

Unlike other endpoints the Geo endpoint doesn't have a text based version, it simply contains too much information to be useful. If people think otherwise, please reach out and let me know.

This endpoint contains geographical information about an IP, such as its latitude and longitude, along with the owning (ASN) organisiation.


Type URI
JSON{ip address}.json
JSONP{ip address}.js

Query Parameters

Paramater Default Description Endpoint
ip None Allows searching of multiple IPs at once All
callback geoip JSONP callback /v1/ip/geo.js


Property Type Description Example
ip String Requested IP
country String Country name in English Australia
country_code String Two letter country code AU
country_code3 String Three letter country code AUS
continent_code String Three letter continent code OC
city String City name in English Mountain View
region String Subdivison of the country the IP is within (State, region etc) California
latitude String IP latitude (Note: this is a string due to historic reasons) 37.4056
longitude String IP longitude (Note: this is a string due to historic reasons) -122.0775
accuracy Integer Radius in kilometers around the specified location where the IP address is likely to be 5
timezone String Time zone as specified by the IANA Time Zone Database America/Los_Angeles
organization_name String The organization that the IP is registered to (Note: Unknown is returned when this field is unknown) Google LLC
asn Integer The autonomous system number associated with the IP address (Note: 64512 is returned when the ASN is unknown) 15169
organization String The ASN and organization field combined (Note: this field is depricated) AS15169 Google LLC



  "accuracy": 1000,
  "area_code": "0",
  "asn": 15169,
  "continent_code": "NA",
  "country": "United States",
  "country_code": "US",
  "country_code3": "USA",
  "ip": "",
  "latitude": "37.751",
  "longitude": "-97.822",
  "organization": "AS15169 Google LLC",
  "organization_name": "Google LLC"

When multiple IPs are queried using the the ip arg on a request you get a response like this:

    "accuracy": 1000,
    "area_code": "0",
    "asn": 15169,
    "continent_code": "NA",
    "country": "United States",
    "country_code": "US",
    "country_code3": "USA",
    "ip": "",
    "latitude": "37.751",
    "longitude": "-97.822",
    "organization": "AS15169 Google LLC",
    "organization_name": "Google LLC"
    "accuracy": 1000,
    "area_code": "0",
    "asn": 14907,
    "continent_code": "NA",
    "country": "United States",
    "country_code": "US",
    "country_code3": "USA",
    "ip": "",
    "latitude": "37.751",
    "longitude": "-97.822",
    "organization": "AS14907 Wikimedia Foundation Inc.",
    "organization_name": "Wikimedia Foundation Inc."


  "organization_name": "Google LLC",
  "accuracy": 1000,
  "asn": 15169,
  "organization": "AS15169 Google LLC",
  "longitude": "-97.822",
  "country_code3": "USA",
  "area_code": "0",
  "ip": "",
  "country": "United States",
  "continent_code": "NA",
  "country_code": "US",
  "latitude": "37.751"

When querying multiple IPs using the ip arg the return becomes a list like below:

  "organization_name": "Google LLC",
  "accuracy": 1000,
  "asn": 15169,
  "organization": "AS15169 Google LLC",
  "longitude": "-97.822",
  "country_code3": "USA",
  "area_code": "0",
  "ip": "",
  "country": "United States",
  "continent_code": "NA",
  "country_code": "US",
  "latitude": "37.751"
}, {
  "organization_name": "Wikimedia Foundation Inc.",
  "accuracy": 1000,
  "asn": 14907,
  "organization": "AS14907 Wikimedia Foundation Inc.",
  "longitude": "-97.822",
  "country_code3": "USA",
  "area_code": "0",
  "ip": "",
  "country": "United States",
  "continent_code": "NA",
  "country_code": "US",
  "latitude": "37.751"